These 40+ World Borders Blew Our Minds

This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.
Breathtaking World Borders

There’s a reason so many people love to travel. Traveling can open the door to so many new experiences and breathtaking sights. In fact, you might notice some gorgeous views right as you cross borders from one country to another. These are some of the most stunning and surprising views countries around the world share at their borders.

Sweden and Norway

Sweden and Norway are two northern European countries. Unsurprisingly, this comes with a rather chill climate, especially when winter rolls around. This motorcycle rider was right on the border of Norway and Sweden when someone snapped this shot.

Sweden and Norway

The photographer did a great job here, as you can really see how beautiful the snow has made this tree-lined landscape. Not to mention, the steep climb of the road ahead is really breathtaking in its own right.

More Sweden and Norway

Before moving onto a different border, it’s worth looking at another border between Sweden and Norway. It isn’t all snowy landscapes!

More Sweden and Norway

This person snapped a picture on a Sweden and Norway border you could drive right through. The line is even painted on the road with a label to tell you which side you’re on! Alternatively, like this person, you could take the chance to visit both at once.

Argentina and Brazil

Another natural border that really stuns anyone who sees it sits between Argentina and Brazil. You won’t see a painted line on the ground but you’ll see something much more memorable.

Argentina and Brazil

The border is made up of the pictured Iguazu Falls. This is more than just a huge waterfall system too — it’s the largest in the world! All in all, the system is made up of more than 275 individual falls. If you stop by this wonder, you won’t forget it anytime soon!

Estonia and Russia

There are a lot of ways countries’ borders can stand out. Some opt for structures to mark the spot. You can recognize the border of Estonia and Russia from some striking structures.

Estonia and Russia

At the end of the day, not every country sports castles on its borders. The border is split by the Narva River and on either side of the river is Ivangorod Fortress and Hermann Castle. Herman Castle is in Estonia while Ivangorod Fortress is in Russia.